#marchphotoaday 1

The holidays are finally back and I'd be lying if I tell you I'm not one bit excited! The holidays mean doing whatever we want, anytime we felt like it, no deadlines, no Monday blues, no school stress! I remember when I was in primary school and I hated going to school so much that I'd straight-up lie my ass away to get a day off. Without thinking of the consequences and the 'reasons' I have to come out with the next day. From stomach aches to headaches, you name it. I've said it! Damn, you must think I was some kind of rebel when I was in school huh? Well, do consider that I was never great in mandarin and that every other subject (except English) were in Mandarin. So, my morale to school everyday was practically down at level negative despite the level boost once a day during English class, that is. 

Anyway, who doesn't love the holidays right? That week or two of sweet, sweet freedom. 

And I'm sure for those who have been reading my blog or are close enough to me, you'd know that i have been really addicted this lil' thing called Google Reader recently and now I can call blog-spotting, a hobby. Nope, blog-spotting isn't a real word that you can find in Websters or Oxford. Don't worry, I loved English class and the English language, thank you very much. Though I have nothing against Mandarin, just the mandarin classes and the canes, just saying. I have spotted quite a lot of awesome blogger out there and some of them actually blog for a living and my, their blogs are GREAT (understatement!) It has become like a routine for me to go straight to Google Reader and read, read, read! I even have the app on my mobile! I guess, this is a good thing, inspired me to wanna write/blog more to inspire others. Inspiration plays a humongous part in my life, now that I've becoming lazier to do anything that I'm not interested in but is a necessity, like homework and house chores. I need that extra boost of morale or that extra something to push me forward. Be it, a cuppa coffee, an article on Hello Giggles or even a page from a good book. 

As I said in my previous post about the photo challenge thingy, I am attempting it, fo' realz! Though I didn't really get to capture a picture every day this week as much as I'd love to, you know the exams and all the studying pretty much, fried my brains. so, I've put up some of my photos I took during my exchange trip in South Africa :)


1 - Up
This was taken on top of Table Mountain, Cape Town with Jynn. It was an hour after my whole heatwave-fainting incident which left me red-faced and hyperventilating most of the time but I wasn't gonna let my heat-phobic physique keep me from seizing the day and having fun! I mean, how many times do you get to be on top of Table Mountain in your whole life right? Unless you're a local. Anyway, It was a one-in-a-lifetime experience and to share it with amazing peeps, new and treasured, was very fulfilling. 

2 - Fruit
Purple dragon fruit! I think you can say it's my second favourite fruit in the world? My first would be Guava. It is said  to be juicier and sweeter than the white ones but I can never tell the difference, really. But this is definitely more acidic than the white ones. Not citrus acidic but more of tongue-cutting acidic. But all in all, fruits are amazing and does amazing things to your system. And, tomato is a fruit, apparently.

3 - Neighbourhood
You know how mornings are always gloomy and sleepy. And when I say morning, I mean, at around 6am, getting ready for another day at school. Definitely not mornings by the beach, catching the sunrise with messy salty hair and your man jogging back to you and your beach-house from a morning surf. That drizzly morning however saw me, witnessing a lil' stray pup running towards my brother who was locking the gate with its little fluff-ball tail wagging. It dries itself and cuddled, almost to my brother's feet under the umbrella. And I thought it was the cutest thing ever! Sadly, we had to leave and so it was let into my neighbour's porch. When we came back, my neighbour fed it milk and some bread and there it was under her car, posing as though it knew I was capturing that moment with my phone. My neighbour left it somewhere I'm not sure, hope it's in somewhere safe. 

 4 - Bedside
Coffee is God's gift to human energy. It kept me going during this whole week, I'd say and when I was getting my usual cuppa coffee today, the container was empty. It ran out. Well, I guess God had it planned all this while. The right amount of packets of coffee in the container to last me exactly one week, till the exams are over. Now I settle with white coffee, which I find fine. The aroma itself got me going and it did taste extraordinary. And yes, I am starting to think Starbucks is overrated. 

 5 - Smile
Taken in The Palace of Sun City, Johannesburg, South Africa. I can never forget that we had a chance to get into the The Palace for free after a few calls were made by Uncle Rusty, who is a big shot in the whole North West Province Game Reserve world. I really admire his work of capturing people who hunts down rhinos for their horns. I think that he is a really noble person and I'm extremely proud to have had him and Nan as host parents. I miss them so much and of course, their South African hospitality! Mis jou baie, Rusty + Nan! 

6 - 5PM
I guess this doesn't need any caption or description whatsoever, does it? ;D

 7 - Something I Wore
The art of dressing up for no apparent reason. You know sometimes, when life catch up to you and you can't handle the constant pressure of being the person you're expected to be, the one who's always doing the right things at the right time and the only outlet you can go to is to do something really crazy for no specific reason, whatsoever? Well,  I came back from school , feeling fried and not motivated at all,  like you could've studied more for an exam. And so, I opened my closet and dug out this dress that I thrifted overseas and decided to wear it for the day. No apparent reason, just giving in to that crazy random thought and hope to be inspired. Sometimes, you need these days to keep you going. These moments might just be the little overlooked minutes of our lives that made the difference. 

8 - Window
Taken today! I really like this corner of my room. I call it my Wall of Awesomeness. it's where pictures of my treasured experience and friends are blu-tacked on the wall to remind me of the awesome people around me and the many great adventures that made me who I am now. The outgoing, outspoken, spontaneous, wanderlust chick. I admit, most of the pictures were taken in South Africa. Well, that's the recent one and of course, the only time I've been overseas (minus Singapore, it was a part of Malaya after all!) and not on a holiday but an exchange program where I got to meet extremely awesome peeps. 


okay, I shall post up a post about photo challenge every Friday then!
So, stay close! :DD

Char ~xo

Briefly Noted