LIMA 2011 (4/5) : Free!

8th Dec - The Third Official Day of LIMA'11

Third day! I was a free bird ! As my delegates went back to their home country, my job was completed. So, I literally spent my day, helping out at the registration counter, as an usherer and at the info counter. Oh and of course, roaming around like a lost sheep, but in my case, I wasn't lost! Haha! I believe this day was the day, our alarm clock jammed up. LOL Naomi slept back after snoozing her phone alarm. When she got up, there were 15mins left to get ready. I literally jumped out of bed and got ready in 10, grabbed a cuppa tea, and went straight to the bus. Phew! Close call, that was!

As we were early in the mornings, we decided to get out of the exhibition hall to get warm and of course, to blow our camera's memory with lotsa pictures! It was madness, but mad fun!

                         Yes, I wore a skirt that day! Looked so air-stewardass-y.        Shot by Naomi

Shot by Naomi
                                                   The Sixth Formers!                                      Shot by Naomi

                                       I look effing skinny and elongated :O                          Shot by Naomi
                                                              One of my favourite jumpshots of the day.                                         Shot by Naomi
Shot by Naomi
  Shot by Naomi

Shot by Naomi
Buggy people!
Naomi and I didn't do much that day. Just helping out at the info counter and going around getting free stuff from booths. So, it was like a day off for us after all that delegates madness. Everyone finished pretty early that day 'cause most of the delegates went home. And so, the organizers planned out a 'Volunteers Only' expedition to Awana Poto Malai, the other exhibition venue where the maritime demonstrations were and all them submarines, combat ships etc. The journey took around half an hour and when we arrived, the view was breath-taking!

We had this rare opportunity to get on KD JEBAT, a combat ship used for battles. As we looked around the ship, each group had a Lt. to briefly talk about the ship and what are it's functions. After that, it was free and easy activity ON the ship! And, yes, you might have guessed it, the pictures came a'comin'. 

The lighthouse.

We had The Loaf's pastries to keep our stomachs from self-destructing!

 Commander Sharil letting us know the ship's details. 

Full speed ahead!

 I didn't get to go up there as I was wearing a damn skirt and the steps up was like a ladder. So, me going up was pretty much out of the question. Naomi kept me company though 'cause her feet were killin' her.

 The helipad!

 With the BAWSES.

 I like this pic cuz we all look great! Hehe

By the time we headed back, it was dark and late. Went for a quick dinner and pretty much died in bed. LOL Big day the next day! The public will be released out of the kandang and I bet they were gonna run stray and on a rampage! Haha

9th Dec - The Fourth Official Day of LIMA'11

This time, LIMA was opened to public. I believe this day was also the day, our alarm clock jammed up. LOL Naomi slept back after snoozing her phone alarm. When she got up, there were 15mins left to get ready. I literally jumped out of bed and got ready in 10, grabbed a cuppa tea, and went straight to the bus. Phew! Close call, that was! Nevertheless, we got there early and of course, we went out to take more pics! I mean, C'MON ! If you give a bunch of "kids" (as Khairul puts it in his blog, click here!) some time, great weather which gives great lighting for photos, a camera in hand, some warmth from the morning sun and a bunch of friends, what will possibly NOT happen, right? 

Shot by Fauzi

Shots from Fauzi

At around 9.00am, the crowd started to come in. It was pretty hectic. Naomi and I were helping out in the registration counters where people get their tickets and wristbands. Also, the place where you see the true colours of Malaysians. Why I say true colours? Well, to hell with long queue barriers, sweet sweet courtesy and hardworking burly male usherers! Them people rush in like a pack of bulls, rambling for food, after being starved for a week! Seriously, it was a sad scene to witness. But, thank goodness, crowd control was slightly better when time passed slowly. 
I, on the other side of the counter, was like a robot, repeating the same questions and answers like a jammed up CD. "Good morning sir! How many tickets? Okay, one adult two children! That would be RM10 for your ticket, sir. Thank you and enjoy the exhibition, sir!" "Good morning maam! How many tickets? Oh, RM10 per person but it's free for over 60s and under 12, but they still need a wristband, maam. So how many? Okay, here you go! Thank you and enjoy your day!" Plus, I was a pro robot those two days I was in registration 'cause I repeated those statements in various languages and dialects. Fuh! Am I proud of myself! :D 

After lunch, Nay and I decided to catch the 2.30pm airshow as we haven't seen it since day 1 but have only heard the roaring noises. The view of airplanes zooming and swooshing across the sky was amazing! They did twists and turns, up and down, making shapes and even the 1Malaysia sign (I think!) ! Here are some pictures to feast your eyes!

I can't help but notice the South African flag! <3
Left behind temporary tracks.


We went back inside half way through 'cause we saw no other volunteers watching. Plus, we were supposed to be working! Guess our guilty conscience caught up to our curiosity! With the exhibition opened to public, you can expect a whole lot of littering, dirty toilets, crying babies, running uncontrollable kids, people sitting at every nook and cranny (even in the middle of the walkway! I was like WTH!), lost kids, parents scurrying around looking for their kids and well, you tell me! 

It was chaos.

A number of 8 lost kids were reported and one wife missing. And the funny thing was, the husband didn't even leave the missing wife's name! Wha? Oh, Job found a kid wondering on his own and brought him to the info counter. I asked him for his name, mum's name and the other details so we could report it over the loudspeaker. When the mum (who was an exhibitor) came to the info counter and asked him why didn't he call her, he answered: "Sebab tak bawa Galaxy Tab!". I was like Aaaah, now I see the picture! Looks like kids these days do not know how to use a phone but a tab. "Great work", technology! Gosh.

After work, we were invited by the MD to be at Reggae Bar that night at around 9pm to partaaaaayyyy! Drinks and food were all on him! Of course we didn't miss it but it crashed our plan to go to Kuah Town to get chocs. So, to fill in the blanks, i mean time, I went out for dinner with Aunt. Daphne, who was a Thales exhibitor and Uncle Goh! I miss them! We went to dinner at a seafood restaurant just down the road and we chit-chatted about everything. I remember when I was still a kid, we used to have like a handshake and he would do his infamous Jack & Jill went up the hill stint at my back. Haha! Good ol' time!

I think I kinda blinded them with the flash. Whoops!
Om nom nom.
I tell you, those butter prawns are DA BOMB !
like literally.
That night, we walked by the beach to get to Reggae Bar and that was at around 10+pm. We saw a couple of them there and some of the bosses. The vibe was awesome! The music was playing, cameras flashing, dudes fire-dancing by the beach, people chillin', food grillin', and a whole lot of shisha-ing. I bet almost each table had a shisha thingy, i don't even know what that thing is called! LOL

We took quite a few pics but I have no idea who took it. I'll just wait and see. Mr. Prem came to the three of us and sat in between me and Nay and he started advising us on what is most important now in our lives and we have to cherish our family. Love can wait or something like that. I'd like to think he wasn't tipsy though! LOL

He told us that he started out like us, being a volunteer in LIMA which he enjoyed the experience a lot. After studying the UK, he got offered a job to work for HW LIMA and that was when he knew that LIMA was what he enjoyed organising and being a part of. One thing that the said that I really agreed with was we have to love what we do, in order to get results or something like that. If you're not happy about your job or your work, what is the point in living life in such frustration and negativity? It was very nice of him to share his life experiences with us, knowing that we were the youngest amongst the rest :) Thanks Mr. Prem, if you're reading this! Even if you're not, thanks! Haha!

After walking the beach and chit-chatting with the girls, we all headed back to our crib to snooze. Last day of LIMA the next day. Gup was feeling a tad bit uneasy already :( Guess it started to sink in in everybody.

Check what happened on the last day of LIMA'11 in the next blogpost, LIMA 2011 (5/5) : Bittersweet ! So, keep reading! :) xo

Briefly Noted