LIMA 2011 (3/5) : On The Job

It's the third post out about LIMA'11 ! Truth is, I'm trying to finish these LIMA blog series before the new year arrives 'cause you know, word is that the world is gonna end? LOL Nah, 'cause I wanna start afresh, blogging about 2012 and not blogging about stuff that has been history. Haha! Okay, let's get on with it.

6th Dec - The First Official Day of LIMA'11

The first 3 days of LIMA'11 are all only opened to trade visitors and foreign delegations. Each visitor must have a pass tag to go in, with your name and company listed. The first morning started off with jitters and crazy butterflies in my stomach. I guess, that just proves that I'm normal! But to add to that, I was excited and I couldn't wait to start working! It was my first official job and I actually got to volunteer for something that gives Malaysia a stand in the aerospace and maritime world. So, that first morning was pure excitement.

I met up with the delegates at the front entrance, after taking a whole lot of calls from my A.O. and calling him too. Just to make sure we meet at the right time, at the right place, without making it look like we were unprepared. They were all in uniform, which made them look really suave and ... very green. 'Cause all of my delegates were from the army. So, they were all in green. Reminds me a bit of my school's Kadet Remaja Sekolah, but just smarter and with way more badges.

Opening ceremony was grand but organisation-wise, went a little down hill. The VIP seatings were always changing and when I brought my delegate to the seating area and looked down at his assigned seat, his name card wasn't there, instead, there was another delegate's seat. I was like, WTF ! at this last minute, you tell me the seating arrangements have been changed? Then, when I came back from rampaging for anybody who could tell me something and staring at the seating arrangements list to see if I had missed out anything, my A.O. found his seat which was definitely not the one stated in the list. Phew! I was so relieved, I almose pee-ed in my pants. Nah, kidding. The ceremony was pretty awesome, I would say. But of course, it's an international event, no? 

When they all came out from the ballroom, off we went to every booth that they were scheduled to BUT ! Well, there is always a BUT huh? Sigh, yup. Naomi's delegate who is the Chief of Navy wanted to be with my delegate at all times as my delegate was the chief. At the same time, my delegate wanted to visit the navy booths that day which means, I had to reschedule and we followed Naomi's schedule for the day. It was a lot of confusion and mis-communication in the midst but I guess, it ended okay. 

The funny was, while going into the schedule, my A.O. asked Nay and I to scout around for booths which served coffee or some snacks! And while the delegates were sipping coffee and talking to the exhibitors, my A.O. was around grabbing free mints that were on display from the other booths around and even offered me one! I was stunned and found it funny 'cause the stereotypical army lieutenant was supposed to be strict, serious, barely smiled at anything and stern but Lt. Abd Kadir and Naomi's A.O., Commander Jaafar were fun-loving, funny and nice to work with. Com. Jaafar even told me to put his picture on Facebook and tag him! Haha! It was hilarious.

At one of the booths with coffee.
Lt Abd Kadir is the middle one and Com. Jaafar's the most right.
                                        Glad that we got to work together :)                     Shot by Naomi
Oh and while they were in the Sapura booth, I was just waiting for them to be done but they were taking longer than usual. So, I was just checkin' out the booth and all of a sudden, a swarm of paparazzi (i'm sure they were just photographer/media personnel) came to the booth and surrounded this big VIP. And then, in the midst of all the heads, Dr M's head popped out from the crowd. I went manic! Quickly took out my camera and kept snapping pictures like I was one of the media! Haha!

This one's blur but who cares, it is Dr M, we're talkin' about here! Hello?!
We roamed the booths for the day till about 4.30pm. Then, we bid farewell to the delegates and confirmed where and what time to meet the next day. As we L.O. were done earlier then the info counter people, we went there quite often to help out, and well, Gup's there! So, it was inevitable! But of course, Gup was hard at work :)

                                                            "Hello, Mr Tweed, how may I help you today?"                            Shot by Naomi
We got to get back to the hotel on time at about 7pm. So, ,for the first time in all that prep madness we've been though the first few days, we finally got to walk Cenang Street and eat without having to rush to somewhere after that. We quickly changed upon arrival and walked the walk and talked the talk. We found this awesome Pizza place and settled for dinner :)  

While waiting for the boys (clearly they needed more time to get ready!), manged to snap some sick shots =)


Goodbye sea, thanks for a good ski. See you tomorrow!
The Street of Cenang : -

Shot by Naomi
                                                        Order placed. WiFi on. Phones out. Mouths shut.                      Shot by Naomi

The yummy Margarita pizza we shared.
We sure hit it off and chit-chatted like there's no tommorow. LOL We were going on and on about the different generic types of people and their flirting ways, relationships, yada yada yada. Everything kinda enlightened me, knowing quite clearly that I was a lone wolf. AHWOOOOOHHH ! Haha

US !

The pretty lights outside the cafe.
These cool dudes were jammin' when we were walking back to the hotel. I want to busk like them one day =)

7th Dec - The Second Official Day of LIMA'11

Second Day! It was also the last day I was assisting delegates. I was getting pretty used to leading the Myanmar delegates and they were like my friends, asking me about my school and where I was from. it was nice to get to know more about the delegates and what's it like in their home country. It was definitely an experience to remember 'cause I had the pleasure to have a chat with my delegate. 

By the end of the second day which was more to courtesy calls, a lot of waiting and resting at the delegate's lounge, we took a group picture and said our thank yous' and goodbyes. I was pretty proud of myself 'cause you don't get to talk to a hi-fi person from another country every day, you know? And, yy delegate actually gave me a Burmese jade bracelet, kept safely in a box! OMG, I wasn't expecting it at all and I was so stunned! 

                                                                Thank you! =)                                                        Shot by Naomi
Shot by Naomi
Tauq (the one in a suit) who was the L.O. from the Myanmar side, helped me a lot during one of the complications in the airshow viewing room. So, thanks! Plus, he's pretty nice to look at! LOL
The three musketeers.                                Shot by Naomi
GROUP PICTURE !                                                       Shot by Naomi
After they headed off the highway, our job was officially done! Time to roam around like wild wolves! LOL Nay and I ran along every nook and cranny, taking pictures and getting free stuff from booths. It was helluva fun! Went kacau-ing the info counter people as well, since they were hard at work and we figured, they needed some entertainment, i mean, help! Haha!

Found a hole and just decided to put heads in it! (oh kay, sounded wrong but it is the truth!)
                                                                       That's my pointy finger, btw.                                           Shot by Naomi

Shot by Naomi

                    Shot by Naomi
After this shot, there were two exhibitors who wanted to take a pic with Nay and I 'cause we were from HWLIMA.
 Proud moment seh! Felt like I was a celeb OR a monkey at the zoo! 

Shot by Naomi

There was this helicopter outside at the display area and we actually could sign our names on it! So, without thinking much, we obviously went on it and signed our names on it!

Check the sick silhoette!
                                                                                  WE'RE ON THE HELI!                                              Shot by Naomi
                Shot by Naomi

Shot by Naomi

                                                                   Yay !                                          Shot by Naomi
                                                           Kacau-ing the registration info counter peeps!                                  Shot by Naomi
Izzat Monash and his bestie - The Plant
It was getting late and most of the booths were closing, so we went back to the info counter. Grabbed Gup, Vern and Izz and headed to The Loaf, one of the two cafeterias during the whole exhibition. Since it was the last few batch of pastries and it was the end of the day, we got some on the house and some free stuff! WOOOOTTT!
                                                                                                                                                                    Shot by Naomi
The pastry in the picture was with melted choc in the dome-like middle and the pastries was crisp. On nom nom. 
Shot by Naomi

                                                           Once we got food in our systems, we went crazy.                                 Shot by Naomi
Went back to the hotel, got dressed. Went out for dinner. Dinner wasn't very pleasant that day. We thought we wanted to save some money and had mamak but it turned out baaaaaaaad. I ordered Nasi Ayam Masala and the rice was hard, the chicken tasted weird and the soup was bland, I'll tell ya that much!

We went to bed early as we were pretty much tired from all that gallivanting. LOL Plus, the next day and the day after that were opened to public. Check the madness in LIMA 2011 (4/4) : Free, coming at'cha!

Briefly Noted