10th Dec - Last Day of LIMA'11
Last Day of LIMA. Everyone was pretty used to the daily routine already but our moods that day was I guess, a tad bit toned down 'cause we all knew that it was the last day we were ever gonna work together or maybe see each other!
After work, we all gathered at the pre-conference room to have a last briefing, our salary was given out, we took a whole lot of pictures and a video. I'll let the pictures do my job.
"My Favourite JB Girls!" - Mr Haswan. |
While waiting for our $$$, this monkey here called Vern, was sweet enough to go get lil Langkawi key chains for four of us and was so shy some more, giving his lil speech and awkward gestures. Haha! But seriosuly lah, this guy has been really helpful in guiding us through the light, work-wise. Thanks dude!
His shy body language was funny! |
Nalini! was like a big sister to us! She was also my bus buddy on the way back to KL. She was a sweetheart by snapping pictures for us alot! :)
Shot by Fauzi |
Shot by Fauzi |
Shot by Fauzi |
We were going nuts. That's Affirmative. Shot by Fauzi |
Charlie's Angels much? Shot by Fauzi |
Shot by Fauzi |
Ze gang! Shot by Fauzi |
Shot by Naomi |
Zam Zam Alakazam!
This dude is one of the coolest dudes I've seen.
Shot by Naomi
Shot by Vern |
A huge thank you to our bosses, namely, the MD, Ms. Azlin, Ms. Liza, Mr. Haswan, Mr. Fairul, Mr. Suren and Khairul. Tho there times when I was really frustrated (I'm pretty sure you guys were too) and things were just not going well, the amount of effort and hardwork you guys put in to make this exhibition a success was amazing.
A huge shoutout to our Head of Volunteers, Mr. Haswan! He's been the one sending us the official emails, after our mum's were in a paranoia about the briefing phone call. He was with us during the briefing, during the whole journey from KL to Langkawi, and in the ferry with us back to Kuala Perlis. Basically, doing his job but with sincerity and kinship. So, three cheers for Mr. Haswan! And yes, we were really drinking just Coke when we were in Reggae Bar :)
Plus, I love your array of purple shirts! ;D
Mr Haswan. Shot by Naomi |
Mr. Khairul was like this old soul trapped in a young body! Haha! Who would've thought he was 20? I actually thought he was either our age of 19 or something. LOL Anyways, first impressions might be deceiving, that's all I'm gonna say! Haha!
The old soul. LOL Shot from Khairul. |
Moarrrrrr friends! Shot by Naomi |
Shot by Naomi |
Our first LIMA friend, L and his girl, Hanis :)
Sweet shweet people! Shot by Naomi
hi again. Shot by Naomi |
JB dudes. Shot by Naomi |
Info Counter buddies! Shot by Naomi |
Arwin and Dasara :) Shot by Naomi |
There was this Dutch dude, Job who was flung by swarms and swarms of girls, the first day of prep itself. I actually thought, wow, he must have been so full of himself! LOL Got to know him, I think, one of the last few days, he was pretty nice to talk to. Got to exchange some Dutch conversations since I knew a bit of Afrikaans which is mainly Dutch. Haha!
Shot by Naomi |
Once everyone got our salaries and taken enough pictures, a group picture is a must! Or a few, rather! :)
LIMA ! Shot from Khairul |
Spot me! Shot from Khairul |
Nevertheless, I got my salary, a lot of new peeps and golden experiences in my bag. This opportunity and experience, money certainly cannot buy and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! Easily dubbed the highlight of 2011 :D Big thanks to everybody who made this a great experience!
Till 2013, see yah!
Excellent! Just kept reading it, thanks for sharing :)
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