Photo A Day Challenge

Here I am, sitting in front of the monitor after checking out quirky blogs and going into my 2nd-hour of reading random blogposts on my Google Reader feed, listening to Feist. Like I'm not addicted to Google Reader and Feist  enough already. I think I've never read so much in my life, so many stuff that's such inspiration to me, in one full go, I mean. It has been one of those fulfilling vibes I get whenever I enjoy and relate to something I read, written by somebody I have no instant contact with but at the same time has some similarities with. Being a quirk enthusiast as I am, I secretly hope that my put-together of words does the same to people, all over. Probably, that's why I realized that I haven't been blogging very much lately and the guilt has set in. Not that I feel guilty to my readers, but i think, it's more of like a self-guilt kinda thing, where I feel that it's a need for me to continue writing to keep my the creative juices flowing in me, to sustain my flow with words. You know? Same goes to photography. 

So, as I was scrolling down my reader feed, found this monthly photo challenge by Fat Mum Slim where every month, they'll be a list for every day of the month. All you need to do is take up the challenge and snap a photo as to portray each prompt. 

I use this as a prompt to get my photography juices back up on track and by adding the writing element to this, I'ma write something about the picture I've taken and how it inspires my day, so on so forth. This is supposedly a challenge where people complete the tasks and share it up on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest or Tumblr. But I figure, I'll just have them saved up in my desktop and up here on ze blog :)

Here's the March's prompts! 


have a good weekend!

Briefly Noted