Is This Love?

Love is a safe haven – where you go to hide from the rest of the world outside.
Love is not always patient nor kind but it never, ever tears you down.
Love knows when you have had a bad day and pours you a glass of wine to the top of the rim without a single ounce of judgment.
Love makes sure the blankets cover your feet.
Love doesn’t make you feel guilty for sleeping in on the weekends.
Love is peaceful breath on your forehead in the middle of the night.
Love knows that you like to be kissed on the corner of your closed eyelid.
Love is a white clam pizza and Netflix, content to just be home together.
Love wordlessly gives you your daily dose of morning coffee, knowing your hands are very much capable to make it yourself.
Love defends you to other people even when you’re being a real asshole.
Love is a conversation across the room without words, Ready to leave? Me too.
Briefly Noted