Trespassing at Taylor's

Post-LIMA bitterness still lingers. I guess when you work together with a bunch of people over a long period of time, day and night, you'll definitely tend to feel uneasy when you, all of a sudden, don't see each other everyday. I miss my friends and hearing fighter jets roar. But I guess, life is life. It moves on no matter what and we just need to cherish the people we have bonded with over the week and remember what we have experienced.

Spent the whole week in Wei's place till my folks come up the following week. Days were spent trying to blog, editing pictures, going for lunches, spending a lot of laughter with my cousins, shopping and sleeping! My sleeping routine was in a havoc situation, really. Sleep late, wake up late.  My lame excuse? To rejuvenate after a week of hardship and hardwork. Hahahaha! 

I was turning into a pig.

So, since I was pretty much turning in an animal at home and if I were to go somewhere, it would have to be after my cousin's uni. So I figured why not I just follow her to her university and check it out? So, I followed her to uni twice in a week. Initially I was a tad bit worried 'cause I wasn't a student there and it would come out as trespassing if you put what I did in words. LOL But she said the guards wouldn't check and nobody would notice 'cause well, I look very much like a uni student, thank you very much! I mean, who am I to kid? I AM a Pre-Uni student, no? :)

Didn't take a lot or any pictures 'cause I didn't want to be all tourist-y in a uni that I was pretending to be a student! So, after grabbing a sandwich and stealing some of Jess's cuppa latte, she had class and abandoned me in the library. LOL Well, Mac room, to be exact. It was wicked. It took quite a while for me to get used to the Macs. But being a tech-savvy kid, I am, I got the hang of it eventually. Haha! 

Jess brought me to lunch in a Japanese restaurant in her campus with her friends. The food was not bad but a little too bland. Got to meet one of Jess's friends called Kessie. She's a Mauritian-Indian and is really girly  and friendly in person. Quite to talk to, I'd say. I was curious on how she got here and she said after her high school, she wanted to study in Malaysia. So, she came here through an agent. I was taken aback by the fact that she actually wanted to study in Malaysia! I think being a Malaysian, I've always thought that Malaysia is not exactly a very well known education hub in the world. It has always been either the UK, the US, Australia, Singapore or New Zealand. When she said she actually chose to study here, I was like, Wow, though Malaysia is not exactly a stone's throw away from the UK in the education world but nobody can deny that we are amongst the best in Asia. Guess I under-estimated Malaysia :(

Shot from Jessie

Shot by Jessie

Shot from Jessie

OH AND I MET FAYE ! She was there for the uni's open day and she was there to help out at her ADP booth. It was very nice to finally see her after a whole year! I miss her so very much! If you don't know, Faye was my closest ally during my South African expedition last December. We talked and had a drink. Hopefully, she'll be able to get into a good American uni next year! And guess what? she's backpacking in Thailand now, as I blog and heading up to Cambodia, all via rail ! An independent woman, she is! I wanna be like her ! I MISS HER :'(

During the second day I went to uni, we had lunch at this vegetarian joint called The V, which kind of reminded me of the word 'Vagina'. Why? 'Cause I read The Da Vinci Code, and according to the Secrets behind the Da Vinci Code, the positions of Jesus, Virgin Mary and the other guy (forgotten what's his name) in the famous 'The Last Supper' painting by Leonardo Da Vinci portrays a V which represents the vagina of a woman. Haha great imagination and creative association abilities I have there! 

Anyways, I ordered the Spicy Cheese Burger with a cuppa Ice Lemon Tea which came in a set with a scoop of their self-made Cappuccino ice cream. I personally enjoyed the burger a whole lot, not because it tasted deliciously awesome but also that the vege/tofu patty was made in such a resemblance to the real chicken patty, it was amazing! Jess had a vege lasagna with all types of greens you can find in it; pumpkin, spinach, and other yucky-looking stuff. It tasted good upon the first bite but as times goes by and your tastebuds are pretty much used to the tastes, it tasted like 'lap-sap', rubbish in Cantonese. Haha! 

Tofu patty

Tasted not that bad, really.

'lap-sap' taste

Faking the smile? LOL
After class, we went to this Chinese desserts restaurant called Snowflake in Subang Jaya. We ordered this bowl of stuff which I didn't quite like, that is why I forgotten what it was called. Pardon my ignorance, thank you very much. it was shredded ice with cincau, sweet potato balls, jelly and milk, I think. It was quite awful, actually. But since Jess enjoyed it so much, she ate most of it :)

The Beeping UFO - When it beeps, your food's ready!

Jess's friend, Jasylin mixed everything and mashed everything up till it looked like THAT. Hopefully it tasted better than it looked! Haha

New friends!
All in all, I didn't enjoy Snowflake at all, food-wise! Had a lot of fun, listening to them girls gossiping and talking about uni though! Sometimes, I'd wish I was in uni already.

Briefly Noted