15th November was Nisha's 18th birthday and 16th November was Jag's. What better way to celebrate than to chillax and catch up over a movie and some jamming? So, that's just what we did.
Nisha + Jess came over and picked me up to go for lunch. We went old school and settled for Old Town's White Coffee. It was great 'cause it has been quite a while since I last saw them. I think it was about 4 months ago, before Form 6 changed my life. LOL
On ze road. |
I had their Ipoh Hor Fun which was not bad. I mean, what do you expect right? Nothing beats the hawker stall's authenticity and the atmosphere.
After that, we went back to Jess's crib to meet up with the rest - Jag, Anand and Meryl. Sadly, it was just us, few 'cause the others were still in KL/wherever they are.
Serious driver, driving a drunk passenger. |
Okay, make that two. |
Jess took the Estima and she basically flew the car thru the highway and we reached TGV, i think in about 15mins. All we could do was, really, just hold on to our seats and pray. Haha. Nevertheless, we got there just in time for the movie.
I must say, Immortals was pretty good eventhough my brother claimed that it sucked. I could somewhat relate to it 'cause some of the terms or scenes I've learnt in my History books. And being a person who loves culture and history, I was pretty much going "Hey, I know this!" the whole movie. LOL
I thought Frieda Pinto's acting wasn't that great though. And, Kellan Lutz is always nice to look at ;D
It was all jammed up on the way back and the drizzle did not help at all. So, we were just chatting in the car and the only couple in the group - Anand and Meryl, well, they were doing stuff at the back. It was kind of funny to actually can't help but overhear their convo from the middle seats, where Nisha and I were sitting. We basically, laughed our asses off silently.
Nawwwww. |
When we got back, we surprised the two birthday girls with a cake! They didn't see it coming and of course, were shocked! Yay! Mission Accomplised! LOL
I shall let the pictures do the talking:
The initial plan was to go swimming after that but it was drizzling and it was getting kind of late. So, we decided not to. Instead, we jammed. It was heaven.
Had a great time, especially seeing Nisha, Jess and Jag again. Love them to pieces!
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