#7: What Monday Blues?

What a wonderful weekend I had! Neat conversations with Angelina fueled me for the weekend where we spent exploring the National Gallery Singapore. Being ambitious women, we didn't think we'd spend a whole 7 hours exploring the gallery, in and out! It fell so far out from our initial plan of going to the National Museum and Chinatown as well hahaha

7 hours were just enough for us to fully immerse ourselves in the clean architecture, ornate sculptures, pretty pictures and the stories which came with them. I thoroughly enjoyed it and Angelina's company. It's definitely different going to an art show with a somebody who's on the same wavelength as you are. I wonder where I should go this weekend.

Today was really productive. Although headlines were quite boring, it felt great to feel like you're finally becoming a team. Like I knew what was expected of me and I do more than expected. He knows that if he doesn't give me a fun task, I'll find something to do. All is going well.

1. Free TODAY newspapers at Bedok Interchange almost every other day. I didn't even listen to Serial today!
2. A great weekend with equal amounts of exploration and rest. Balance is always good.
3. The aunt for a good chap goh mei meal today.

1. That my body clock has formed a little routine of waking up at 7.30am, or 10am, no later. I quite like this.
2. The random thoughts about life you sometimes have? Well there are people who think that too.
3. I'm better than I think I am. Stop overthinking and just do it.

1. Another productive and fun day tomorrow!
2. Weirdly, going through the Straits Times tomorrow.
3. Skyping with the UD team (hopefully!), whom I miss so so much.

Briefly Noted