#2: Simple writing, coffee and sleep

Work today was pretty chill despite it being task-heavy before lunch. I'm slowly getting the hang of picking newsworthy stories from the mess of the Southeast Asia headlines, which has become a daily religion I quite enjoy. Got to do some impromptu little edits on the latest guide here and there and researching on some places in the region was most fun! To top it all off, the weather was as peachy as how I felt today.

1. The duck rice stall at HV hawker center is a go.
2. visceral means intuitive, gut feeling | superfluous means unnecessary
3. Solid, simple writing goes a longer way.
4. Podcasts work for on my commute. Perhaps something not as intense as Serial.
5. Instead of informing why a place is cool, tell the people why I recommend it.

1. The varied tasks I was entrusted to do + the constructive feedback I got
2. The highly efficient bus system here which shortened my commute to an hour today.
3. Free yummy coffee all day and open-minded, friendly co-workers
4. The clouds which made today's weather perfect.
5. My aunt who's a bit OCD, which means the house is always spotless :)

1. Going home tomorrow.
2. Seeing Natalie on Sunday!
3. Exploring new makan places in Singapore, not giving up on Singaporean food just yet!
4. A good night's sleep tonight without an alarm.Working drives me, but it's the commuting that drains me.

Briefly Noted