Vamos! Team Janet !

Holidays started two weeks ago and I've landed myself in KL last week 'cause my grandma, affectionately known as Popo to all her grandkids, had an eye surgery to remove her cataract. So, we all went up so that Momsy could teman my aunt and Popo to the specialist. 

We went up after having dim-sum for breakfast with Yeye, my paternal grandad. And since we were heading for the highway, I thought I'd drive! Guess what? I missed a turning and we ended up on some road leading towards Pasir Gudang. Looks like I wasn't the only one dreaming in the car since nobody realised until Momsy saw a signboard. LOL 

When we finally got onto the right road and I kinda got the hang of the car, control and stability-wise, my left hand started to jam up and I actually got really bored and restless, at some point. So, I passed the steering back to my mum at the Spg. Renggam R&R. Funny thing was I actually said I wanted to stop at Machap. 

We went to Popo's house first and we had McD for lunch! I had my usual juicy Double Cheese Burger and a lot of laughter amongst some of my cuzzies! Wei was in Uni and we were going to SamYee's house later that night. So, Shyuen and Eva didnt come.

The whole gang (excluding me)

Sherine and May.






Charmaine, the big fish.
We went to SamYee's place after my daily 7pm TVB drama, Beyond the Realms of Conscience and met up with my two lil' muppets, Shyuen and Eva. Eva is one cute lil' pie who loves pretending that she's a horse or a dog (depends on her mood), and i'll be her master. Shyuen's really asking questions about everything. Smart girl, she is. We spent the night playing Uno, Scrabble and a lot of pretending.

Young and Old?
The next day, we got to Yeeyee's house and while Mum and Yeeyee brought Popo to the specialists. My uncle brought us to support Janet as she qualified for the second round in a tennis tournament! Awesome stuff, no? Pictures, pictures, pictures!

The Player: Janet Lim
(future top-seeded player)

Future Maria Sharapova or Ana Ivanovic
We weren't allowed in the court itself, DUH. So i had to settle with pictures with the fence. Nevertheless, Janet was amazing, in her strokes and her style, well, spoken by a non-tennis player, that is. She lost gracefully to her opponent who was evidently fleshier and had more stamina to withstand the heat and the stress. Oh well, great effort from Janet anyway :)

The Action:

One of my favourite shots.
The fanclub: 

the one who kept shouting VAMOS VAMOS!

The supportive sister, Jenny, who kept advising the player

The happy-cum-proud folks and the weird cousin, Sherman who was the umbrella's best friend.
The Face of a Winner:
Had KFC for lunch :)

Rex!dove, the name we gave ourselves, the eldest four out of all the grandkids went out for dinner at Sushi King, Subang Parade. Ordered my all-time favourite - Chuka Idako and it came in a weird dark colour which made me kind of scared to eat. LOL

My Bento set

(she's wearing the pick choker I made her for her 19th!)
Sherms and his Ocha.
(she kept her bag sling-ed like that the whole time!)
We went home the next day as the following day, we had Peace Camp to organise. So, we left early, after breakfast. Stopped by at Pagoh R&R and had Daily Fresh's Wafito! I mixed Chocolate and Peanut Butter and it tasted AWESOME! 

YUMMMMM and Sherman's restless-just-woke-up face
 I think I'll blog about Peace Camp tomorrow or after LIMA. Won't be blogging much this few weeks to come 'cause I'll be enjoying myself in Langkawi, KL and Langkawi again! So, won't be able to blog a whole lot. So, see you when I blog yahhhh! <3

A little sneak peek on what's to come in my next blogpost!

Briefly Noted