
February, february. Oh wouldn't it be loverly?

Coffee and a whole load of thinking made the most of this mini-month. As opportunities popped up like wild mushrooms after rain, dilemmas and question marks didn't want to feel left out as well. The 'what if I'm not good enough', 'is this even what I really want to be doing' and questions of sorts came to me like it determined life.

Yes, opportunities don't come by that often, but it is of an abundance. It's just a matter of you searching for it and finding the answers within you. In the process, I found such great and supportive friends who not only cheers you up by saying, "Shut up lah! You're better than you think you are!", but shared their great personal experiences and how it always gets better. Slowly but surely. 

Anyway, here are some good stuff for the ears that fed my heart and it's nonsensical-yet-endearing expectations this last month of love. The charm of JB town was my Valentine throughout this mini-month as I explored town and tried out a couple of new coffee joints. Oh, good coffee is love. So, it's safe to say that coffee was also my Valentine?

Speaking of love and Valentine's, I got to put together a little montage video of my favourite couple in the world, Nay + Joe while we were all on a swell trip to Universal Studios Singapore last month! Check it out below!


Briefly Noted